Our Design Consultation

Bespoke Projects

How have you laid out your packing processes? Do your people have everything they need within easy reach? Do your parts arrive and leave in a coherent and orderly manner?

We have spent the last 30 years in the packaging industry covering the last part of the journey of your product before it heads off to your customer. Your packing area is where your customer experience is created.

Do you want your customers to feel the love when they open their box? Look across your packing area - is it orderly and organised? Are your people happy and energised? If not - how will the love get into the box?

Through a consultative approach that draws on the knowledge and experience of your people, we help you identify your process flow and improve it. We work with conveyer providers to produce an intelligent pack scheme tailored to your processes. In some cases productivity has improved by up to 60%.

Think about that. That’s 60% sales growth without any increase to your headcount!

Consultation Visit - Survey - Design - Plan - Present

At our first meeting on site, we will ask you to walk through your processes and the areas where it all happens. We will measure up and take photos so we can re-create your environment in our virtual space. We then head back to base to put together a Packing Station Design that accommodates all of your equipment and materials. Once complete, this Packing Station model is placed into your virtual packing area and various layout options are experimented with. We then produce photo-realistic renders to include in our proposal which is in a form that anyone can understand - from the cleaner to the CEO!